Dudley care home Residents visit RAF MuseumHC-One’s Himley Mill care home in Dudley organised a trip to the Royal Air Force Museum in Cosford.

Accompanied by a relative and four members of the team from Himley Mill, Residents explored all of the aircraft and vehicles on display throughout the museum. After the tour, the group all enjoyed a picnic and an ice cream outside in the sunshine.

A great time was had by all, with Residents commenting on how interesting it was to learn more about the aircraft used in World War II and the Cold War. The day was extra special for Himley Mill Resident, Trevor Williams who discovered some information on his father’s regiment at the museum. 

Himley Mill General Manager, Jonathan Richards commented:

“I would like to thank my Colleagues for organising such an interesting trip, it was lovely to hear all about the wonderful day everyone had.”