Droylsden Residents enjoy World Chocolate DayDroylsden’s residential and residential memory care home, Sunnyside, have been celebrating World Chocolate Day today. 

As a team, the care, kitchen and wellbeing Colleagues decided to celebrate the special day, in style, for all Residents to enjoy!

First, the kitchen team made some lovely chocolate cake and then some chocolate made from moulds (see pictured). 

Colleagues had to hide the chocolates away from other members of the team so that they didn’t eat them all as they were so yummy!

Residents, including Graham who is pictured, liked talking about films they had watched about chocolate, they also looked at recipes but, most of all, enjoyed eating the concoctions. They agreed that they would like to make some more soon!

Sunnyside’s Manager, Kay handed out chocolates, she said, “It was such a successful afternoon, everyone is now looking forward to our next event!”

“I love it when staff organise these events, that are so successful. A lot of planning went into this and it was so nice to see the Residents fully involved and loving it!”