Did someone say ‘Christmas’ at Hinckley Park?Residents at Hinckley Park residential and nursing care home, in Leicestershire, haven’t had autumn on their mind, but are looking ahead to… Christmas!

In September. Christmas has this funny habit of sneaking up on you. One minute you're basking in the June sun, the next you're wearing your woolly scarf and looking at glittery cards in the supermarket. 

So, in a bid to beat that inevitable "Is it Christmas in 6 weeks?!", Residents at Hinckley Park have already started to put decorations together. 

Betty Dudley, who lives at Hinckley Park, is attempting to knit enough Christmas trees for everyone to have one, while other Residents are busy putting dried oranges on strings, painting wooden stars, stringing up cinnamon sticks and making Christmas cards. 

Everyone has loved planning, picking out parts for decorations, and finally putting them together. They’re hoping to go for a traditional look on some trees.

One of the Residents said, “I can't believe it's that time of the year again! But I love Christmas and getting ready for it.”

See pictured Resident Betty Dudley and her trees along with Betty Truelove and some of the dried orange decorations.