Dedicated Employee receives award for 20 years service at care home
Karen Wright at HC-One’s Carders Court Care Home in Rochdale, has received a long service award for her 20 years’ service at the home.
Karen began her career at the home and lives locally where is well known and loved by Residents and relatives alike.
Karen was presented with the award by Home Manager, Nicky Royston and colleagues.
Karen Wright, Wellbeing Coordinator, said:
“I am very thankful to receive this award. I love looking after my Residents and hope there is a few more years to come!”
Carders Court Home Manager, Nicky Royston said:
“We would like to give a huge thank you to Karen for dedicating so many years to giving our Residents the kindest possible care and supporting their lifestyle with the wellbeing team.”
HC-One Area Director, Angela Zuraw said:
“Celebrating these long service awards is an important part of showing our HC One colleagues how valued they are and how much their work contributes to the lives of our Residents”