Days out at Straven House
Three Straven House Residents, Joyce, Ethel & Pat, care assistant Chelsea Wellbeing Coordinators Pam & Cath, took to the HC-One Minibus and had an afternoon out-and-about in Skipton.
The weather was fine and the scenery spectacular as they drove across the moors between Ilkley and Skipton, past Chelker Reservoir.  Pat really enjoyed the scenery and field after field of sheep!
On arrival, everyone settled down into the outdoor seating area of a nearby cafĂ© for a smooth latte.  After this, they headed off to the canal basin where they passed the afternoon watching canal barge cruises manoeuvre around each other and enjoyed a Magnum ice cream or two.
On another day Residents Margaret & Pauline decided to make the most of the weather and visit nearby Bolton Abbey Estate - owned by the Duke of Devonshire.
They found a picnic spot at the river's edge and ate sandwiches whilst watching the ducks. Residents loved the picturesque surroundings and enjoyed the sunshine.
Later, they visted the  Pavilion Tea Rooms for a well-earned pot of tea.