Dartford care home hosts harvest festival celebrations  Residents of HC-One’s Priory Mews care home in Dartford hosted a Harvest Festival event in support of Silver Sunday to help combat loneliness within the community and help to increase happiness and wellbeing. 

Priory Mews welcomed members of the local community as part of the Harvest Festival celebrations on Friday 5th October. The home hosted a range of harvest-themed activities including three raffles, a performance from Erith Community Choir, a visit from local Age UK charity and a food collection for a local church.

Deborah Lane, General Manager at HC-One’s Priory Mews said:

“Combining Silver Sunday and Harvest festival gave Residents the opportunity to get to know people in the community and to build relationships with each other.

“The event was a great success, we managed to raise over £75 for our Resident’s Comfort Fund and are delighted to be able to donate valuable food to our neighbours.”

Harvest Festival is an annual celebration to mark the end of the main harvest season. Traditionally it is a time when people share collected food items with those in need in their local community.

Silver Sunday is an annual day of fun and free activities for older people across the UK. Led by The Sir Simon Milton Foundation, it celebrates the value and knowledge they contribute to our communities while combating loneliness and isolation. 

Priory Mews encourages everyone to feel part of events both within the home and in the wider community. Harvest Festival and Silver Sunday are great examples of activities that suit Resident’s hobbies and interests.