Daneside Court enjoys Harvest Celebration
A harvest festival held at HC-One’s Daneside Court helped Residents to meet new people, make new friends and have meaningful moments in the company of others.
The event was also in support of Silver Sunday, which helps combat loneliness within the community and helps to increase happiness and wellbeing.
Daneside Court welcomed members of the local community to mark the start of the autumn season on Friday 5th October and hosted a range of harvest themed activities including welcoming local MP Mike Amesbury and the local st Helens church who blessed the harvest.
A choir of children from the local Victoria Road Primary School sang harvest themed songs for the Residents before joining them for homemade shortbread and a refreshing beverage.
Jo Farrell our home`s manager said:
"We had such a lovely afternoon and bringing everyone together was a delight to see.
Combining Silver Sunday and Harvest festival gave Residents the opportunity to get to know people in the community and to build relationships with each other."
Silver Sunday celebrates older people and helps to combat loneliness, while Harvest Festival celebrates food that’s grown and produced on England’s home soil.