Today at
Woodlands View in Hertfordshire which provides residential, nursing and nursing dementia care, Residents have enjoyed a day of creative arts and crafts.
Residents tried their hands at making some sour dough pumpkin balls to get into the Halloween mood. Each Resident was given their own bowl where they mixed the flour and salt together then added water to make their own pumpkins.
During the process of making these pumpkins, Residents were chatting about their time cooking and baking. Rita, a Resident at the care home explained how she used to make pies and soup from pumpkins. Lyn, another Resident expressed how much she enjoyed making the pumpkin shape and said, “I like how the texture feels”. Jean also agreed and said, “I really liked making the pumpkin shape, it was quite intricate”.
Speaking afterwards, Deby, the Home Manager said, “Its lovely to see how a simply activity can bring back so many happy memories”.