Cramlington care home remembers fallen heroes on Remembrance DayThe Ladies Group at HC-One’s Hartford Court care home in Cramlington paid their respects to fallen heroes by writing a group poem for Remembrance Day on Monday 11th November.

The ladies chose to write a poem that focuses on how growing food was essential during the war, they shared memories of visiting allotments in their younger days and ideas on putting their ideas into words.

When everyone read the finished poem there were smiles all around, the group finished their remembrance session with good sing-along of traditional war time songs. 

Janice Bell, Home Manager at Hartford Court said: “I was really impressed with how the topic really engaged the ladies and that it was a very positive and happy experience, rather than focusing on the emotive aspects of Remembrance Day.”

Dig For Victory
My dad said “dig for victory”
So I helped my dad to plant a tree
Turnips, carrots, leeks and peas
Grubby fingers, dirty knees
Slimy worms, slugs and snails
Putting garden waste in pails
Keeping chickens, hens and eggs
Aching backs and aching legs
Baking ‘tatties’ on the shovel in the fire
Watch the flames get even higher
Couldn’t wait to pick the crop
That ended in a lovely broth
Happy days gardening outside
Hard days’ work done with pride
Climb the stairs get ready for bed
Pull up the covers and rest your weary head
A well-earned sleep after working the soil
Welcome sweet dreams after a hard days’ toil