Companion cat brings comfort to ResidentShelia Humphries, a Resident at HC-One’s Gittisham Hill House care home in Honiton has found a great companion in Matilda, the ‘Companion Cat’.

The team at Gittisham Hill House have been looking into adopting a cat from a rehoming centre to live in the care home but had concerns on how the Residents would handle having an animal around.

As a test, the home purchased a battery operated cat that imitates the behaviour of a real cat, Matilda meows, rolls over, licks her paws and wiggles her ears and whiskers. 

Shelia is living with dementia and often finds it very difficult to feel comfortable especially around other people, but Matilda has proved to be a very comforting addition to her. 

Now Sheila is enjoying sitting with Matilda, brushing her fur, laughing at her antics and is even speaking with fellow Residents and members of the team about her companion cat. 

Shelia Humphries commented:

"I love sitting here with the cat on my lap. She purrs loudly and it makes me feel very special to have her sitting with me".