Community donates kind Christmas gift for Kingswood care homeKesteven Grange care home in Kingswood, Hull was delighted to receive a kind gift from the local community this Christmas. 

One Stop, the high street convenience store, recently opened a new shopping complex close to the home and, as a gesture of good will and with some good, old-fashioned community spirit, the store donated a large hamper to the home for Residents and Colleagues to enjoy. 

The hamper was put to good use as Residents and their loved ones tucked into the delicious treats at the home’s Christmas party, which was an exciting event for all who attended. 

One Resident commented: “The hamper was brilliant. It was so lovely of One Stop to think of us all here at Kesteven Grange.”

Kellie Moore, Home Manager at Kesteven Grange, said: “This lovely gesture proves again how amazing community spirit is, especially at this time of year!”