Colleagues at Stafford Care Home Enjoy Elf Day Celebrations for Alzheimer’s SocietyColleagues at HC-One’s Maple Court Care Home in Stafford got into the Christmas spirit as they dressed as elves to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society on Friday 6 December.

They were among thousands of elves from local businesses, schools and organisations across the country which took part in Elf Day 2019. 

Residents and Colleagues dressed as elves to enjoy an afternoon tea party complete with games and activities such as pinning the tail on Rudolph the reindeer. The home also received a visit from a group of children from the local Veritas Primary Academy who sang Christmas carols for Residents, Colleagues and the Mayor and Mayoress of Stafford, who also attended the event.

Money raised at Elf Day events will be used to improve the lives of people with dementia today, and to fund research for tomorrow. 

Hayley Rix, Home Manager at Maple Court, said: “Alzheimer’s Society is a charity close to our hearts at Maple Court as they do such fantastic work for those living with dementia. Elf Day is a wonderful way to get everyone in the festive spirit ahead of Christmas with both Residents and Colleagues having thoroughly enjoyed themselves.”