Residents at
Knowles Court, residential and nursing care home, in Bradford, had a great time celebrating Christmas.
Residents enjoyed watching a Church service on Christmas morning.
The staff assisted handing out all the presents to the Residents. They were so happy to have a special day.
Residents enjoyed a choice of champagne, wine, sherry, or beer with their lunch and a buffet tea kindly made by the catering staff!
Some Residents enjoyed visits from family and loved ones, whilst others had lovely video calls with family and friends.
The afternoon was spent chilling and eating lots of great food. Some Residents enjoyed watching the Christmas Carol Concert by the Suprano’s on DVD.
Some of the Residents, commented, “We all such a lovely day. The food was great, and we got some lovely gifts. Thank you to all the staff.”
Samantha Whinray, Care Home Manager, added, “The Residents had a great Christmas, it was nice to see them enjoy the festive period.”