Christmas cheer for all to hear at Victoria ManorResidents at Victoria Manor care home in Coventry were delighted to receive a special visit from Santa at their Christmas fete.

Family and friends joined Residents for the festive celebrations, which involved a buffet filled with seasonal delicacies and many classic Christmas songs, which were performed by visiting singer Gemma.

Everyone was also delighted to join in with various fundraising activities, including a tombola, craft stall and raffle, which raised a fantastic £160 for the Residents’ comfort fund.

The day finished with a special visit from Santa, who gave all Residents and children a small Christmas present.

Joyce, a Resident at the home, said: “It was lovely to celebrate with everyone together and I was so grateful to receive my special gift from Santa.”

Suzanne Middleton, Home Manager at Victoria Manor, said: “It was wonderful to see all of the Residents enjoying the celebrations with their families at such a special time of year.”