From concerts to donations, decorations and so much more. Christmas at HC-One’s Ashgrove care home, in Dudley, has certainly been hectic and everyone has thoroughly enjoyed the festivities.
The annual Christmas party was a huge hit this year! There was a sing-along, Christmas quiz and bingo (a firm favourite). Resident Gladys shocked some Colleagues with hiw clued up she was on the Christmas quiz and won a prize which was a jar of pickled gherkins! (Her preference instead of the original chocolate prize).
Everyone enjoyed plenty of sweet treats accompanied by a Baileys, shandy or other tipple of their preference. One of the care Colleagues commented, “It gave us all a chance to let our hair down after a year like no other! A lovely time was had by all, especially the singing.”
On Christmas Eve, a Colleague and Resident carol concert was held. It was performed upstairs in the hallways so everyone in the rooms could listen. Some Residents even sat in their chairs at their room door.
Residents were full of positive comments:
Doreen said, “Lovely surprise”
Followed by Clarrie who added, “Well done, most enjoyable!”
Home Manager, Julie Jones, remarked, “We did the traditional carols to great applause and cheers of ‘bravo’ and ‘encore’. Not really too tuneful and I had run out of breath trough dancing too much! But it was lots of fun and it is now to be a tradition here at Ashgrove!”
Also, this Christmas, the home was overwhelmed by generosity. A few days ago, Ashgrove received a donation of hats and scarves for Residents, after the isolation period what could be better than a cold and snowy day to give them out.
There was a selection of different colours such as Cherry Red, Black and Smoky Grey, all of which had a lovely diamante pattern on them, some had bows and flowers on too.