Chance Reunion at Ferndale CourtResident Nellie O’Neil had a wonderful surprise when she was reunited with an old friend this week at Ferndale Court.

Mary Butchard is the mother of Ferndale Court nurse Joanne Butchard and is a very old friend of Nellies.
The two ladies lived around the corner from each other whilst their children were young and soon became firm friends as their children played together. Sadly, Nellie moved away and the pair lost touch.

When the care team realised the two ladies knew each other, a meeting was set up for the pair with tea and cakes. Both were delighted to see each other again and chatted long away into the afternoon.

The home even organised for the ladies to have an evening meal together in the dining room so they could continue reminiscing about old times!

Resident, Nellie commented:

“It has been a long time but it’s like we have never parted!”

Home Manager, Carole Roberts, said:

“It’s so wonderful after 30 years and by chance they have both met up again! We were delighted to help make this happen for the ladies and we look forward to them meeting up again soon!”