Care Home Resident celebrates in Blackpool for her 81st BirthdayAppleton Manor Resident, Sadie celebrated her 81st birthday in Blackpool with Residents and friends from the home.

A small group of Residents enjoyed the trip to the seaside and took advantage of the recent glorious weather to enjoy the sunshine as they took in the sights of this famous seaside resort. It is a favourite spot of many of the Residents.

Whilst there, Residents were able to enjoy some of the many landmarks and this triggered some wonderful memories of visiting the resort as children. For many, seaside holidays played a big part in their childhood and they enjoyed visiting familiar sites.

Some Residents braved a bracing dip in the sea before enjoying the thrills of a ride on the log flume at the pleasure beach. 

Before their journey home, everyone enjoyed a delicious traditional pub lunch.

Residents all said they had a wonderful time and wished Sadie a very happy birthday.

Amy Robertson, Home Manager commented:

“Trips outside the home are really important to us at Appleton Manor. We know that a trip to somewhere new and exciting can assist with our Resident’s wellbeing and so we like to offer as many trips out as possible. A trip to the seaside is always a firm favourite. We are thrilled Sadie could enjoy her birthday at Blackpool.”