Canadian-themed afternoon brings back memories for ResidentHC-One’s Park House Care Home in Guisborough, Redcar, organised an afternoon to remember for Resident Len Murrant, who wished to be reminded of his younger days in Canada where he was stationed with the Merchant Navy. 

Len was stationed in the Maritime Province of Nova Scotia at the age of 16 and always speaks highly of his years in Canada, saying how it is the most wonderful country to live in with the friendliest and most amazing people.   

The team at Park House wanted to remind Len of those lovely memories, decorating the lower ground floor with the Canadian flag and bunting and organising for a trio to come and play for the Residents.

Donna, who leads the trio, is Canadian and born in Newfoundland, which Len knew well. They sang a mix of Canadian folk songs together followed by some popular tunes which everyone joined in on.

Lunch consisted of corn bread with Canadian ham, pancakes with maple syrup and a Coors beer to drink, which Residents found very refreshing. 

Donna and Len had a lovely chat together before she presented him with a Canada pin and cap, which he wore proudly. 

Len commented:

“I will remember this day for a long time to come, it was a very emotional and happy day.”