Residents at
The Gables care home in Cambridgeshire, which provides nursing and nursing dementia care have been having lots of fun on Yorkshire Day.
Everybody had been practising as many Yorkshire sayings as they knew, and all had their flat caps on. Wellbeing Colleagues also put Emmerdale and Wuthering Heights on throughout the day at request of the Residents who really enjoy them both.
There would be no Yorkshire Day celebrations without trying some giant Yorkshire Puddings. They were tried just plain and also with a variety of jams. Residents mentioned how much they love trying the Yorkshire puddings, with one Resident saying it wash is favourite part of the day! Margaret also agreed and said “mmmm these are very tasty”.
Kathie, another Resident at The Gables said Yorkshire was “Gods own country” and Richard went on to say, “I remember the Hovis ad on TV”.
Everybody agreed they really enjoyed this special Yorkshire Day.
Jane, the Wellbeing Coordinator commented, “It’s really nice to see how much the Residents enjoyed the Yorkshire Puddings”.