Cambridge care home hosts Summer FeteHC-One’s The Cambridge care home in Cambridge hosted their annual Summer Fete earlier in July.

Residents, staff and visitors came together on Saturday 14th July to celebrate the biggest event of the year at The Cambridge.

A variety of activities were on offer, including a Frank Taylor concert, face painting, bouncy castle, stalls, raffles, a tombola, refreshments and food. The highlight was the new ‘Tropical Bar’ stall offering delicious watermelon and strawberry cocktails.

A great time was had by all, with £600 being raised throughout the day which will all go towards exciting days out for Residents, including an upcoming visit to the seaside.

Hazel, a Resident at The Cambridge said:

“The afternoon was interesting, it was lovely to sit in the garden with my family in the perfect weather.”

Elizabeth Addae, Home Manager at The Cambridge said:

“I would like to say a huge thank you to all my colleagues for all their hard work which made the Summer Fete such an amazing day for Residents and visitors.”