Cambridge care home hosts harvest festival Residents of HC-One’s The Cambridge care home in Cambridge hosted a Harvest Festival event in support of Silver Sunday to help combat loneliness within the community and help to increase happiness and wellbeing. 

Celebrating Silver Sunday provided an opportunity for elderly people living independently in the local community to meet new people, make new friends and have meaningful moments in the company of others. 

The Cambridge welcomed members of the local community as part of the Harvest Festival celebrations on Friday, October 5. The home hosted a range of exciting activities including, a visit from Butterfly Day Nursey, live entertainment from Tom Bryans as well as attending a harvest service at a local church.

Harvest Festival is an annual celebration to mark the end of the main harvest season and a time to give thanks for the crop that has been grown. Traditionally it is a time when people share collected food items with those in need in their local community.