Burns Night celebrations at Shelton Lock care homeShelton Lock care home in Derby hosted a fun-filled day of activities as Residents celebrated Burns Night 2020. 

Held on 25th January each year, Burns Night commemorates the life of famous poet, Robert Burns, who greatly contributed to Scottish culture.

Colleagues at Shelton Lock decorated the dining room with thistles and tartan in preparation for the Scottish meal later that day. 

Residents helped prepare for the Scottish celebrations as the baking club made a very tasty batch of shortbread for afternoon tea. 

The afternoon continued as Residents took part in a Scottish-themed quiz, with Resident Molly winning first place. 

Dinner commenced with a serving of haggis and cranachan for dessert, both of which are traditional Scottish cuisine.

Burns Night was enjoyed by Residents and Relatives alike, as Hugh thoroughly enjoyed his haggis and spoke about how it took him back to living in Scotland.