Brookdale View Residents enjoy a trip back in time at Albert DocksResidents from Brookdale View care home in Manchester were delighted to take a step back in history during a recent trip to Albert Docks.

Everyone enjoyed admiring the revolutionary design of the buildings at Albert Docks, before stepping foot into the Maritime Museum for a step back in history.

At the museum, Residents particularly enjoyed seeing the Titanic exhibition, where some dressed up as the workers on the ship, as well as seeing the many trinkets and ceramics that have since been brought up to the surface.

Eric Shuttleworth, a Resident at Brookdale View, commented: “Thank you so much for this trip, it really has been a smashing day.”

Elizabeth Walker, Home Manager, said: “At Brookdale View, we strive to provide our Residents with a vast and interesting programme of trips outside of the home. Everyone really enjoyed the visit to Albert Docks, with Residents commenting on how much they learned about the history of maritime.”