At Salford based care home, Pendleton Court, which offers residential, nursing and residential memory care,
Home Manager, Sandra Nixon, was recently informed that one of the Residents at the home used to be a school teacher and she taught at the building where she now lives for a number of years.
Sandra decided to look into the history of the building and found out it was known as ‘Pendleton High School for Girls’ and there is an active community group of ex pupils and staff.
Thrilled to hear about the news, Sandra has reached out to them and the response has been fantastic! She said, “We are looking at renaming our communities with the old school house names. We have also received pictures from a former pupil, Carol, who actually became a teacher at the school!”
Colleagues and Residents at Pendleton Court have lots of ideas including designing a 'school themed' cafe, as well as hosting regular reunion visits and coffee mornings (when restrictions are relaxed).
Residents like the anticipation of opening its doors once again and reliving lovely memories. One said, “It is a fantastic idea as the building has so much history to it.”
Sandra commented, “I'm really excited about this project and cannot wait to keep everyone updated. Watch this space!”