Brighton Beach for Care Home Residents
By popular request, a trip was organised to New Brighton Beach for Residents at Lauren Court.
Residents Ken Matthewson, Agnes Stacey, Joan Medhurst, Val Beedles and Angela Randall headed off to the beach for a day of sun and sand.
Residents enjoyed a beautifully presented lunch of Fish and Chips (or a salmon sandwich for a lighter option) in the Floral Pavillion, enjoying a gorgeous panaromic view of the bay before heading to the arcade to have a go on the two-penny machines (with Agnes winning a snooker keyring which she was very pleased about).
Lastly, Residents enjoyed an ice cream and a quick trip onto the sea with Val and Melissa going for a paddle in the sea.
Rebecca Jackson, wellbeing coordinator commented:
“Everyone had a fantastic time, the weather was perfect and all the Residents left New Brighton asking when we could come again”.