Bredbury care home Residents reminisce on Remembrance DayAppleton Manor care home in Bredbury, Stockport paid its respects to those affected by the war for Remembrance Day 2019.

Residents reminisced about the war as they discussed memories from World War 2, with some people even discussing how they served in the Armed Forces. 

Colleagues at Appleton Manor arranged for Samantha Jones, a talented singer, to visit the home to perform a number of old war songs, which Residents enjoyed singing and dancing along to. 

Some Residents even dressed up in old-fashioned hats and scarves, as they waved British flags along in time with the music. 

Sarah, Wellbeing Coordinator at Appleton Lodge, said: “Remembrance Day is such an important event in our calendar, so it was amazing to hear our Residents share their memories of the war before having a good sing-along together.”