Bloxwich care home Residents help to transform loungeResidents at HC-One’s Woodcross care home in Bloxwich have been busy helping the team transform an unused lounge into a bright, comfortable place to socialise and spend time with loved ones.

The team noticed that the home’s second lounge needed a refresh, so they used some money from a recent fundraiser to help make the space a more comfortable and welcoming environment for Residents and visitors.

Everyone decided to lend a helping hand with the redecorating, Residents enjoyed helping to paint the walls, chatting as they worked and Dawn, the Home Manager assisted with wallpapering.

Dawn Attwell, Home Manager at Woodcross commented: “It was lovely to see everyone getting involved with the redecorating, the room is now a wonderful space for Residents to relax, socialise and pursue their hobbies and interests.”