Blooming good day for Chandlers Ford ResidentsResidents from HC-One’s Chandlers Ford care home in Eastleigh enjoyed a day out to the New Forest Lavender Gardens on Wednesday 4th July.

Described as one of Hampshire’s best-kept secrets, Residents explored the beautiful gardens filled with different types of flowers including lavender, roses, and mallows.

Resident’s Bettie, Eileen, Jean and Janet enjoyed smelling, touching and admiring the beautiful flowers before stopping for a drink in the tea room. 

A great day was had by all, with Resident’s commenting that it was lovely to go somewhere different to most other places.

Chandlers Ford Home Manager, Cassie Munnoch said:

“Our Wellbeing Co-ordinators work hard to make activities as varied as possible so that all Residents can experience fun trips out. It is always nice to get lovely feedback on how much they enjoyed the day.”​