Beeches Residents enjoy a shopping trip
Two Residents at The Beeches Care Centre enjoyed a trip out to their local Morrison’s Supermarket.
Mavis was happy to see some familiar faces as she shopped, as this was where she used to do her shopping. She enjoyed a chat with some of the checkout staff she recognised. 
Eva was happy to go shopping, as she wanted to buy a birthday gift for her daughter.
Once the ladies had finished their shopping, a nice cup of coffee and a snack in the cafĂ© was in order! 
Resident Mavis, said:
"Thank you, it’s been lovely to get back out and see familiar faces!"
Resident Eva, said:
"It’s been a lovely morning!"
Wellbeing coordinator Sade Smith said:

"It’s nice to take the Residents out and see them enjoy themselves, especially seeing Mavis chat to people she hasn’t seen for a while!"