Baking bonanza at Roxburgh HouseResidents at HC-One’s Roxburgh House care home in Cradley Health enjoyed a day in the kitchen baking delicious biscuits. 

Fay and Jean, Residents at Roxburgh House joined Chef Louise and Sharon, Carer in the kitchen at the home for a day of making biscuits. 

Both ladies commented that they hadn’t been in a kitchen for years and how lovely it was to spend some time baking like they used to in their younger days.

Once they had cooled down, Fay and Jean had their homemade biscuits with a cup of tea as they discussed what to make next time they are in the kitchen.

Roxburgh House Care Home Manager, Julie Jones said:

“It was such a lovely idea to have the ladies baking, my colleagues are always thinking out of the box and going the extra mile to make Residents smile.”