Residents at HC-One’s Claremont care home in Ayr recently enjoyed a very competitive, socially distanced games afternoon.
The games afternoon involved Residents in some classic floor games, such as, ten pin bowling, noughts and crosses, right toss, higher or lower, guess the card and finish the proverb.
With fierce and friendly competition, plus a few rule changes, everyone had a great time with lots of laughs. While playing noughts and crosses, it was decided that opposing players could steal squares by knocking their opponent off and the loser would have to sing a song.
As it is approaching Robert Burns Day, Colleagues decided the theme would be Scottish songs. One Resident, Lena, was so happy to teach everyone the second verse of ‘Jeely Piece’ song.
Resident Helen McMath said: “Playing bowling brought back so many memories and I was so happy to get a strike.”