Residents at Appleton Manor recently enjoyed a visit from Wild Wings Birds of Prey, Warrington who brought along birds, owls and hawks for our Residents to enjoy getting up close and personal with these magnificent birds of prey.
The visit included a short talk on the life, breeds and history of these amazing animals, which kept Residents enthralled.
It was a great interactive session and everyone had a wonderful time.
Wild Wings also took the time during their visit to bring the birds into the rooms of our nursing Residents so no one missed the experience or seeing and stroking the birds.
Families also came along to enjoy this special visit, and refreshments were served to everyone after the talk.
Home Manager, Kay Slinger, remarked:
“It was great to see our Residents experience these amazing birds and the joy of those that were able to touch and hold. We would love to welcome them back anytime!”
Wild Wings Birds have also invited the Residents to take a trip to their Avery in the summer to enjoy one of their many bird displays.