An Afternoon with Elvis
On Wednesday, the Residents of The Beeches carehome in Dukinfield were treated to an afternoon of rock n roll with “Elvis”.
The event was enjoyed by Residents, families and friends, everyone got into the spirit with a sing along to all his greatest hits.
 After his show, he took time to sit and chat with some Residents and have photo opportunities, which made Margaret’s day.
Margeret, Said:
"It was like being with the real Elvis."
Our afternoon was finished off with a drink or two and some nibbles.
Resident Jim, said:
"I really enjoyed todays entertainment I’m a big rock and roll fan and enjoy listening to Elvis, he sounded really good and we had a chat afterwards and he told me all about getting started doing what he does. I’ve asked if he will come and perform again."

Sade smith wellbeing coordinator,said:
"Everyone really enjoyed themselves singing along to all the hits and the afternoon was nicely finished with a drink or two."