Amerind Grove Residents receive special Christmas visitResidents at Amerind Grove care home in Bristol were delighted to welcome local nursery children to the home as part of their Christmas celebrations.

The children greeted Residents with gifts of teabags, mince pies and a beautiful bouquet of festive flowers, before treating them to a performance of their favourite Christmas carols.

One Resident said: “It was a lovely day having the children visit our home.”

Wayne Price, Home Manager at Amerind Grove, said: “It’s a pleasure to open our doors to the children of the nursery. The joy and excitement the children bring on their visits to see our Residents has become the highlight of their day.”

Carol Dight, Area Director, said: “The children were amazing and it was so nice to see the two different generations come together. Organising memorable events like this is an important part of how HC-One provides the kindest possible care to our Residents.”