HC-One’s Cairnie Lodge care home in Arbroath hosted its annual World Book Day competition on Thursday 4th March.
Residents and team members were thrilled to enter the home’s competition, with this year’s theme being ‘Create Your Own Book Title’ everyone put their thinking caps on and started thinking of the best title for their submission.
The competition was split in to two categories with one winner for Residents and another for team members at Cairnie Lodge. The winner was kindly drawn by Wendy, from local charity bookshop The Learning Tree Partnership.
The winner for the Resident’s category was Christina Batchelor and the Marta Rakowska took the winning side for the staff. Everyone loved taking part in the competition and are already excited for next years.
Cairnie Lodge Home Manager, Heather Sivewright said: “Everyone at Cairnie Lodge enjoys our World Book Day competition, it was great to see so many people participating this year and all of the entries were amazing.”