Abermill Residents move to the beat with creative community initiativeResidents at Abermill care home in Caerphilly, Wales, have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a local arts development programme with staff and pupils from Footsteps Nursery.

Residents and staff from the home have taken part in a number of sessions over the last few months with the Caerphilly Arts Development Programme.

The programme involved a series of creative sessions, where children from the nursery joined Residents in singing traditional nursery rhymes, Christmas songs and performing percussion instruments, such as maracas and tambourines.

Sandra Thomas, a Resident at Abermill, said: “I have had a lovely time with the children and I just can’t wait for them to come back.”

Leah Mort, Home Manager at Abermill, said: “As a team, we are so proud to be part of the Caerphilly Arts Development programme. It has put smiles on so many of the Residents’ and children’s faces.”