David, a Resident living at
The Beeches, residential and residential dementia care home, in Doncaster, has been appointed a job in the care home.
David really enjoys speaking with all the Colleagues and wondered if there was any way he could get involved by helping them out.
During mealtimes David has been helping to set the tables in each of the communities and speak with his fellow Residents about mealtimes and what they like about them.
As David has been doing such a fantastic job he has been appointed Dining Room Manager. David has been given a badge which he wears with pride!
The fellow Residents enjoy talking to David and are thrilled he can represent them on when it comes to thoughts on mealtimes and other areas of the care home.
David, said, “I am so proud to be Dining Room Manager and I am really looking forward to providing a good mealtime experience for everyone.”
Claire Turner, Care Home Manager, remarked, “It is amazing to see David enjoy setting up the tables and provide a lovely experience to other Residents as he manages the dining room.”