A handful of happiness for Amber Lodge care centre ResidentsColleagues from Amber Lodge care centre asked Residents to help brighten up the display board. In response, forty of the centre Residents set out crafting what would turn out to be a colourful and meaningful work of art loved by everyone. 

The Residents spent the day making crafts for the display with Colleagues Clare Smith and Emily Myers, who decided to draw around all Residents’ hands in different coloured paper and cut them out. Each Resident then provided a quote in which they say what makes them happy which was then cited on that person’s individual hand print.

One Resident commented, “ I really enjoyed drawing the hand prints and getting involved in making the wall display.”

Home Administrator, Emily said, “I've enjoyed helping with this activity, hearing about all the lovely things that make each Resident happy, we had everything from seeing family, to a nice cup of tea!"

Home Manager Rachael Hall describes when she heard about the activity, “It’s been lovely hearing about all the things which make the Residents happy especially during this difficult time."