A Festive Visit from Doolittle Ponies
HC-One’s Knowsley Manor in Knowsley once again welcomed a very special guest to the home as Doolittle’s pony therapy paid a visit to the home.
Their miniature friends, Sonny and Dolly introduced themselves to our Residents, who loved them and gave plenty of strokes, cuddles and kisses.  Sonny and Dolly are regular visitors to the home and are always well behaved and even met santa clause for a festive cuddle.
Sonny and Dolly always creative a positive stir when they trot into the home and are taken on a tour of the home visiting Residents’ rooms to ensure everyone has the opportunity to pet and stroke these affectionate animals.
Residents, relatives and staff enjoyed petting and learning more about Shetland ponies.
Pet therapy helps Residents interact and share new experiences.
Home Manager Diane Bardsley commented:
"It is wonderful to see our Residents smiles when the miniature ponies visit, they always create a lot of excitement."