Residents and Colleagues at Beechcroft care home, in Runcorn, have been getting on board with national holidays including Mother’s Day and St Patrick’s Day which were celebrated this week.
Everyone at Beechcroft has enjoyed celebrating Mothering Sunday together. Colleagues on duty enjoyed receiving gifts from Home Manager, Vicki Costello and the Residents received gifts from their loved ones.
A lovely afternoon tea was presented with beverages and Wellbeing Coordinator, Barbie Stoddart, decorated the home with beautiful decorations for everyone to enjoy and admire.
All the Colleagues and Residents were overwhelmed and had a great day celebrating Mothering Sunday together.
Residents enjoyed all the decorations and, more so, the afternoon tea provided. Elizabeth Guest and Patricia Ryan, who both live at Beechcroft, expressed how much they enjoyed the day, especially with current lockdown restrictions.
Also, this week, St Patrick’s Day has been celebrated.
Barbie decorated the home again, this time in all things Irish and there was a sea of green everywhere. There was also some Irish folk music, should Residents like to listen.
Colleagues on duty assisted Residents with wearing hats and decorations and the gentlemen enjoyed an afternoon of drinking Guinness and real ales. The ladies enjoyed some prosecco and rose wine accompanied with a few snacks.
The gentlemen expressed how much they enjoyed the day and, “Having a beer.”
The staff and Home Manager enjoyed singing and dancing with Residents. Vicki commented, “Another fun packed week and we were full of smiles and laughter!”