91-year-old Resident enjoys first visit to a pubHC-One’s Roxburgh House care home in Cradley Health organised a day out for two Residents, Olive and Doreen.

On Friday 31st August, Olive and Doreen visited a local chip shop and restaurant for a lovely and chip lunch, accompanied by a member of the team from Roxburgh House and volunteer Sandra.

The owner of the Restaurant kindly rearranged the furniture to accommodate the ladies and their wheelchairs, Olive ordered hake with chips, mushy peas and a pot of tea while Doreen chose plaice with chips and a pot of tea. 

Both ladies loved their meal, Olive eve managed to finish her whole plate while Doreen opted to take what was left her meal back to have later. 

Doreen expressed an interest in visiting the local pub on the way home for a half pint of bitter. 

Olive was hesitant as she does not drink alcohol and has never been inside a pub before. However she was pleasantly surprised when the ladies went to the Waggon and Horses Pub where she basked in the sunshine from the beer garden with a glass of refreshing lemonade.

Doreen Baker commented:

“It’s nice to go out, I don’t tend to go out much since my husband Ray passed away but I have enjoyed today so much.”

Olive Hoult commented:

“I think it’s been a wonderful day, I am 91 years old and it’s the first time I’ve ever been into a pub and I’d like to go again next week.”

The ladies both had a great day and there were smiles all around as they returned to Roxburgh House, the team are already organising more memorable days for the Residents to enjoy.