HC-One’s Kintyre Care Centre in Campbeltown, Argyll and Bute is celebrating having received a glowing report from the Care Inspectorate (CI).
The team at Kintyre were delighted to have received an impressive CI report that rated the home as ‘Good’, demonstrating that it is providing high standards of care for Residents. Kintyre received a score of ‘4-Good’ in four quality inspection framework evaluations: supporting people’s wellbeing, staff, setting and planning in care and support. Kintyre were also delighted to receive an evaluation of ‘5-Very Good’ in leadership.
The inspectors were full of praise for Colleagues at Kintyre, highlighting the kind ways in which they provide care for Residents at the home. The inspection report stated, “Interactions between staff and Residents were seen to be kind and warm. People benefited from overall positive relationships, and this made the care home a congenial place to live.” The key relationships that the staff maintain with both the Residents and their Relatives, were commented on by inspectors, including the warm and personal interactions with Residents. Colleagues were seen to understand the personal needs of Residents and the report stated, “the core staff group was aware of people's risks, changing needs, choices and wishes.”
Inspectors also commented on how Colleagues provided many opportunities for Residents to be involved in meaningful activities, which “helped to improve people's wellbeing and sense of enjoyment”.
Kintyre’s achievements reflect HC-One’s commitment to being the care provider of choice across its family of homes for individuals looking for the kindest care and support.
Kintyre Care Centre’s Home Manager, Jennifer McKellar stated:
“We are delighted with this report which is a testament to the hard work and kind care that each and every member of the team puts in, day in day out.”
Maxine Smedley, Managing Director of HC-One in Scotland, said:
“This rating is great news for both Kintyre Care Centre and the local community. I would like to thank the whole team for their commitment and hard work and congratulate them on such an impressive report.
“We are dedicated to achieving our aim of being the care provider of choice for those looking for the very best care and support, and employer of choice for the best, most professional, and kindest care Colleagues.”
Caroline Cherry, Head of Adult Care Services, Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) commented:
“We would like to congratulate the staff at Kintyre Care Centre for their recent unannounced Care Inspectorate Report which was of a high standard. This is also really good news for Residents and their families as it highlights that the Centre has caring, professional and well-trained Colleagues who know the Residents well, were responsive to their health and care needs and supported Residents to stay connected to family, friends, and the local community. The HSCP also recently agreed with HC-One to purchase and take over the running of the Care Home later this year and we look forward to continuing to work closely with the staff, Residents and their families.”