HC-One Accessibility Statement

HC-One is committed to ensuring everyone can access any communication materials it produces both on and offline. This includes people with any type of sensory or cognitive impairment. If you have any comments or suggestions relating to any information that we provide either on or offline please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing tracey.kerr@hc-one.co.uk. 

What is accessibility and why does it matter to HC-One?

To be fully accessible our website must be as easy to use and understand for as many people as possible. We aspire to meet the accessibility standards set by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) an internationally recognised standard produced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We are working towards achieving compliance with all WAI priority one checkpoints.

Like many websites, ours requires a number of different cascading style sheet (CSS) techniques, we have been careful to ensure these techniques are not detrimental to the accessibility of our site. 

Image Alt text and accessibility

As standard we only use Alt text where an image conveys essential information for the meaning of the page, for example a diagram about how to do something. 

Where an image is purely decorative we don't use Alt text as this is superfluous information, and extra 'noise' that someone using a screen-reader will have to get through before reaching the essential information on a page. Any images which don't have alt text have an empty Alt tag which is indicated using "".

Changing text size

Most browsers feature the ability to resize text on screen to a level you feel comfortable with.

If you want to increase or decrease the size of the text on our site, we recommend you do it via your browser. We've listed the most popular browsers here with instructions on how to alter the text size:
  1. Internet Explorer -  View > Text size
  2. Mozilla Firefox -  View > Zoom (you can Zoom in or out on the site - you can also choose just to increase the size of the text by selecting Zoom Text Only)
  3. Google Chrome – Menu > Zoom then use + or - signs to increase or decrease the size
  4. Opera - use the + & - symbols on your keyboard to increase or decrease the size
Alternatively, if you are using an up to date browser and have a mouse with a wheel you can also alter the size of the text size by holding down ctrl (PC) or command (Mac) on your keyboard while scrolling up and down with the mouse wheel.

Can I change the font colours used on the website?

Yes. This may be useful for you if you have low vision and need high contrast colours. You can:
Change the style and colour / choose an alternative colour for links
Change the background and foreground colours
Ignore font and background colours in Internet Explorer on a PC, choose Internet options from the Tools menu at the top of the window:
On the general tab of the window that appears, click the Accessibility button. This takes you to a menu where you can choose to ignore the way the page is formatted. 
To set your colour and font preferences, return to the Internet options menu and use the Colours and Fonts buttons.

Do I have to use a mouse to navigate the website?

No. Use your arrow keys to scroll up or down the page. You can use the Tab key on your keyboard to move between links on a page. 

•    A single press of Tab highlights the next link
•    Shift+Tab highlights the previous link
•    Press Return or Enter to select one
•    To go back to the previous page, use the Backspace key

Report a web accessibility issue

If you are having any accessing or using our website, please let us know by emailing tracey.kerr@hc-one.co.uk

Please note that we cannot guarantee the accessibility of third party websites, documents and multimedia content that we may link to.